Monday, March 15, 2010

New Milestones – 3 Months to 4 Months

This month has been another adventure for me. I started teething and I’ve been the drool monster. At first, my teeth did not bother me so much. I would put my fingers and sometimes my entire hand in my mouth and it would make me feel better. Now, not much makes me feel better. Mommy gives me Humphrey’s or Hylands, and when I’m really fussy she gives me Tylenol. I just hope these teeth break through soon because I am not a happy camper and I know Mommy is getting tired of having to carry me and soothe me all day.

I received my second and third rounds of vaccinations. I have to admit that they did not go as well as the first time. They REALLY hurt me and I screamed and cried so hard that mommy thought I was going to stop breathing. I really scared her, but I got through it though and I was all better when I left the doctor’s office. Dr. Mike says I am a healthy guy and I am growing like a champ.

Mommy bought me a new swing. I had another swing that went back and forth, but I wasn’t into it too much. Mommy bought me the type of swing that sways from side to side and I LOVE it. I can fall asleep in it when I’m tired. It is very soothing for me. Mommy just hopes I don’t grow out of it too quickly.

Overall, I am doing well. I laugh, smile, and play all the time. I’m making my mommy and daddy proud!

Palmer's Photos - 3 Months to 4 Months