Monday, December 26, 2011
Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas! I had a wonderful Christmas. We spent Christmas Eve with Mommy's family. First we went to Grandma Lu's and had lunch, watched the Charger game, and opened presents. Later we went to Mom & Pop's and had dinner and I got to run around and play with all my cousins. I had so much fun. On Christmas Day, I opened a few presents at home and played with my toys while Daddy and Mommy got ready for the day. We then went to celebrate with Daddy's family at Grandma & Grandpa's house. We ate all day long - breakfast, lunch, and dinner and opened a ton of presents. I played with my new favorite toy - my trash truck. I also played with my cousins. It was a great day! For Christmas I got vans shoes, clothes, a trash truck, a sit and spin, pajamas, a boat to play in the bath tub, a plate, cup, fork and spoon set,a tractor that I could sit on and dig, 2 trains, a tee ball set, and a toy chest to hold it all in. I sure am a spoiled (loved) little boy.

Friday, December 23, 2011
Christmas Spirit
This year I'm really enjoying the holiday season. We decorated our house and set up our christmas tree on Thanksgiving night. It was so fun to put all the ornaments on the tree. Mommy let me pick any ornament I wanted to put on the tree. Daddy put up our lights on the outside of our house that same morning. Our lights are all blue, which is my favorite color. He even put up lights in my bedroom window, so I get to see the lights from my room. They are also a bright blue. We've visited all the neighborhoods around our city to look at all the light displays. There is one street in particular right near our house that is beautiful. We walked that street and got to see all the decorations close up. Two nights ago, we went to Brea to look at an entire community that had lights. It was amazing. I hope we go back every year. Tomorrow is Christmas Eve and I can't wait to see my family and open presents. Merry Christmas Everyone!!!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Using my imagination
I'm fascinated with garbage trucks. When I was 1, I loved picking up trash and throwing it away. People would tell mommy I was going to be a trash man when I grew up. Don't they know that I'm just an enviormentalist. I still throw things away, but now I like waiting for the trash man every Wednesday and watching him load our cans into his truck. Daddy found some youtube video on various trash trucks and how they operate. It is so interesting to see all the different techniques. I've learned them all so well that I pretend my hand is the arm of the trash truck and I lift my blocks into my pretend truck and dump the trash. I can spend hours using my imagination to pretend that I'm a trash truck. I use my imagination to play so many things now. I also love playing with by backhoe, street sweeper, fire engine, ambulance, and pickup truck. Mommy bought me a mini trash trucker, but I want a bigger one that actually operates. I hope Santa brings me a Tonka trash truck...we'll have to wait and see.
Monday, December 12, 2011
1, 2, 3....
I can count and I know my colors. I can count to 10 all by myself. I surprised Mommy and Daddy one day when I lined up all my cars and started counting them 1 through 10. I know my colors in English and Spanish, but I can only say them in English. My favorite colors are blue and purple. Now that I know my colors, mommy always asks me "What color is the truck", "What color is the Christmas light", "What color is ..." Oh boy, she asks so many questions now.
Thursday, December 1, 2011
My 2 year Photo Shoot
Mommy, Daddy, and I took photos at the beach recently. Mommy wants to capture every moment of my cute little life, so here is just another snap shot in time. Enjoy our photos...
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Happy 2nd Birthday Palmer!!!
Mommy and Daddy can't believe how quickly this year has flown by. So much has changed this past year. I can run, I talk, I play with my cars and toys, I love watching Barney, I love going to the park every day, and I love going for walks. This year I went to Maui and Palm Springs and I even took my first airplane ride. I'm growing up to be a big, bright boy. Although I don't go to school, I love playing with kids at the park. I had so many wonderful adventures and I look forward to so many more next year. I know it will be a blast, since I am going to be a big brother very soon. Stay tuned...
Monday, October 31, 2011
Happy Halloween
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Team Blue it is!!!
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Just my size...just what I like!
This past weekend, Daddy went on his annual surf trip to Big Sur with the Ducks. Mommy took me on a weekend full of adventures. On Saturday, Mommy, Grandpa John, and I visited Pretend City. It is an entire city that is just my size. They have a grocery store, a library, a Hawaiian Restaurant, a Farm, a Doctor's office, a Dentist Office, a Police Station, a Fire Station, a Beach, and so much more. You can drive cars, perform on stage, plant fruits and vegetables, pump gas, go fishing, and a ton of other cool stuff. It was a great place and I had a lot of fun. I hope Mommy takes me back again soon.

On Sunday, we visited a Pumpkin Patch with Nina Elda, Grandma Lu, Auntie Janelle, and Cousin Joce. We had a lot of fun. We took a train ride, a hay ride, and rode a pony. I have to admit, I did not like the pony. Overall, it was a great day and a fun filled weekend!

On Sunday, we visited a Pumpkin Patch with Nina Elda, Grandma Lu, Auntie Janelle, and Cousin Joce. We had a lot of fun. We took a train ride, a hay ride, and rode a pony. I have to admit, I did not like the pony. Overall, it was a great day and a fun filled weekend!

Saturday, September 17, 2011
I'm going to be a big brother!!!
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Play Time
Although I enjoy playing with my toys, my favorite thing of all time is to go for a walk. I love going on adventures, so I go for several walks a day. I love to walk all around my neighborhood and I don't mind all the hills. I can even walk the entire way all by myself. I love to color, play with play-doh, and draw with chalk outside. I have a small jungle gym with a slide outside and I like to climb on it. I love playing kick ball with daddy. He's trying to teach me soccer, but I enjoy pitching more than kicking. Two of my favorite toys are my bucket of beans and my bucket of rice. Yes, you read that correctly, rice and beans. Mommy doesn't want me to mess of her house with sand, so she made me a "sandbox" with rice. It is a huge plastic bin filled with rice and I play in it all the time. I have my beach toys in there and I fill up my bucket and build castles. I have a smaller bin filled with beans and mommy hides little farm animals in there beans so I can find them. She then tells me the sound they make. She wants me to imitate her, but I'd rather just play. I play with my cars a lot too. I pull them back and then let them go to see how fast and how far they will go. I do this over and over again. I also love to push my "Lightening McQueen" car all around the house - this is when I'm not riding on it myself. When I watch tv, I love Barney, Elmo, and music videos. Some of my favorite artists are Black Eyed Peas, Darius Rucker, and Lenny Kravitz. As you can see, I keep myself very busy all day long with many different adventures. Oh it is great being a kid!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Monday, September 5, 2011
Summer Fun 2011
Since we went on our annual vacation in May, this summer we've been laying low around the house. We went swimming in the spa, went to Huntington Beach and played in the sand, and visited Balboa Park in San Diego. I've mostly spent my time outside playing in my own backyard. Mommy and Daddy took me several times to play at the Spectrum and in Rancho Santa Margarita with the water that shoots out of the ground. At first I had to get use to the idea of water spiradically shooting up, but it become fun for me. Here are some pics of Daddy and I playing in the water. It's been a great summer and I'm looking forward to many more adventures.

Thursday, July 14, 2011
My big boy bed
I sleep in a big boy bed now. Mommy was too afraid I would fall out of my crib because I would climb on the rails. I was just playing. I really like my big boy bed. I especially like that I can get out whenever I want and go to Mommy and Daddy's room. Mommy and Daddy aren't too happy about it though.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Happy 4th of July - 2011
Since Auntie Janelle is studying for her final week in Nursing School, we did not have our usual 4th of July party. However, we went for a quick swim in the pool and bbq on Sat. I love swimming!!! On the 4th of July, Mommy, Daddy, and I stayed home and went to the Mission Viejo Street Fair. We even lit sparklers in our backyard. I was too tired to stay up and watch all the firework shows across the skyline. Maybe I'll stay up late next year?
Swimming at Grandma's

My own fireworks show

Playing outside
Swimming at Grandma's
My own fireworks show
Playing outside
Monday, June 27, 2011
Visit with the Clayton Family
My friends came to visit us and had a great weekend. We played outside, went to the Irvine Zoo, went on a train ride, and rode the carousel at the Irvine Great Park. Nino Matt and his family came to visit too. It was a great weekend. I can't wait to see them again next year.
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Aloha!!! My vacation in Mau!
Aloha! I'm back from Maui and I had a great time. It all started with my first airplane ride. I slept for the first 2 hours of the ride and I was chillin' for the last 3 hours. Mommy said I did a great job. Maui was wonderful. The weather was warm, sunny, and cool breezes that were refreshing. Everywhere you looked, were views to die for. Since our condo was only a few feet from the ocean, we feel asleep to waves crashing on the shore.
Grandpa John took me for walks at least 4 times a day. We went to the beach, played in the sand, and swam in the ocean. We went swimming everyday in the pool. I even learned how to jump into the pool, with the help of daddy catching me. We got to see a hula show with keiki's. I think I found my future wife. Mommy, Daddy, and Grandpa had a great time too. I can't wait to go back to Maui.

Grandpa John took me for walks at least 4 times a day. We went to the beach, played in the sand, and swam in the ocean. We went swimming everyday in the pool. I even learned how to jump into the pool, with the help of daddy catching me. We got to see a hula show with keiki's. I think I found my future wife. Mommy, Daddy, and Grandpa had a great time too. I can't wait to go back to Maui.
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Spring has sprung - Picking Strawberries
I spent some time today picking strawberries in Carlsbad with Daddy's family. It was an adventure. It was Mommy's first time picking strawberries too. After visiting the strawberry field, we went back to Grandma Katy's and Grandpa Al's house to celebrate March and April birthday's with my family. It was a great day!
Happy Easter - 2011
Happy Easter! I started off the day opening up my Easter basket from the Easter Bunny. The Easter Bunny brought me alphabet flash cards and a rash guard that I needed for Maui. Then Mommy made me Mickey Mouse pancakes. Grandpa John came for breakfast and he brought me an Easter basket filled with bubble toys and a puzzle book. Daddy wasn't feeling well, so Mommy and I went to visit our family. Grandma Lu got me an Easter basket with books and money. I got to see my cousin Joce again. Then we went to Grandma Carmen's and visited with the Diaz family and we went to Mom & Pop's and visited with the Sanchez Family. I have a lot of little cousins, so we had our Easter egg hunt at Mom & Pop's. At first I wasn't sure of what to do since this was my first real Easter egg hunt, but Grandpa John and Mommy helped me fill my basket. It was a great day and I feel like a very lucky little boy.
Look at my photos from Easter 2011
Look at my photos from Easter 2011
Thursday, April 21, 2011
My vacation to "the city"
Mommy LOVES San Francisco since she use to live in the Bay area, so we went to visit some of Mommy and Daddy's friends. We hung out with the Cramsey Family on Friday and I got to meet and play with Joce and Ariana. I'm looking forward to meeting their new little brother who will be born in June. After our play date, we went to Zachary's Pizza in Oakland. It was Mommy's favorite pizza place and Daddy likes it too. After the yummy pizza, we drove into the city and cruised around a bit. Mommy wanted to show me some of her favorite spots - Lombard Street, Palace of Fine Arts, and the view from Treasure Island. She wanted to show me Twin Peaks, but we ran out to time. We then went to visit the Clayton Family and I got to play with Malea and Xiara. I've played with them before when they came to visit me at my house last summer. Xiara took good care of me and they both entertained me. It was getting late and I was very tired so we went to our hotel in Half Moon Bay where we stayed for the remainder of our trip. On Saturday morning, Daddy surfed with his friends Danny and Darrick. After their surf session, Mommy, Daddy, and I walked around town and had lunch. We went exploring through Half Moon Bay and it was a lot of fun. Late afternoon, we met up with the Boyer Family and the Clayton Family and we had a bbq. I got to meet Noah and Hendrick. They have a cool house with a sandbox and a trampoline in their back yard. We all had a great time. On Sunday, we met up with Tony and Alexandra for breakfast. Noah and Anke surprised us and joined us as well. It was a great trip with a LONG drive, but I had a great time. Mommy and Daddy tell me we'll be making this trip often. I can't wait to go back again soon.
View from Treasure Island
Bay Bridge
Palace of Fine Arts

Hanging with Jocelyn and Ariana

I'm only crying because I was tired. I love Malea and Xiara.
View from Treasure Island
Bay Bridge
Palace of Fine Arts
Hanging with Jocelyn and Ariana
I'm only crying because I was tired. I love Malea and Xiara.
Monday, April 11, 2011
My new cousin Jocelyn Capri
My new cousin is finally here and I love her so much. When I first saw her, I asked mommy if I could hold her. She made me sit down, but she let me hold my baby cousin. It was going well, until she started crying. I couldn't take her crying anymore, so I asked mommy to take her back.
I can't wait until my baby cousin grows up and we can play together.
Jocelyn Capri Mendez was born on 3/31/11 at 4:37pm. She weighed 7lbs, 2 oz, and was 19 inches long.

I can't wait until my baby cousin grows up and we can play together.
Jocelyn Capri Mendez was born on 3/31/11 at 4:37pm. She weighed 7lbs, 2 oz, and was 19 inches long.
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Our 'Supervised' Date
Natalie and I had a playdate last weekend. Mommy and Michelle got to catch up and talk 'all things babies' while Daddy and George supervised. I'm not really sure why they had to supervise? We had a good time and I can't wait for another playdate.
It stared off with me picking her up at her house...look how our dad's keep a watchful eye

I'm not sure why they followed us so closely...what did they think was going to happen?

All we really did was play together...

When the date was over, I drove her back to her house
It stared off with me picking her up at her house...look how our dad's keep a watchful eye
I'm not sure why they followed us so closely...what did they think was going to happen?
All we really did was play together...
When the date was over, I drove her back to her house
Friday, February 11, 2011
Growing and Playing
Life is great when your only job is to grow and play. The other perks of toddlerhood include eating, sleeping, and being catered to 24/7. I love being outside. I'd rather be outside playing and running around, then being inside playing with all my cool toys. There's nothing like breathing in fresh air and seeing beautiful nature all around me. Since mommy and daddy know how much I love playing on the slide at the park, they bought me my own mini climb set and slide. Yolanda takes me outside almost everyday so I can play on it. I can't wait for the weather to stay warm everyday so I can be outside all day long.

Sunday, January 16, 2011
A beach day in January
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