Friday, December 23, 2011
Christmas Spirit
This year I'm really enjoying the holiday season. We decorated our house and set up our christmas tree on Thanksgiving night. It was so fun to put all the ornaments on the tree. Mommy let me pick any ornament I wanted to put on the tree. Daddy put up our lights on the outside of our house that same morning. Our lights are all blue, which is my favorite color. He even put up lights in my bedroom window, so I get to see the lights from my room. They are also a bright blue. We've visited all the neighborhoods around our city to look at all the light displays. There is one street in particular right near our house that is beautiful. We walked that street and got to see all the decorations close up. Two nights ago, we went to Brea to look at an entire community that had lights. It was amazing. I hope we go back every year. Tomorrow is Christmas Eve and I can't wait to see my family and open presents. Merry Christmas Everyone!!!