Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Play Time
Although I enjoy playing with my toys, my favorite thing of all time is to go for a walk. I love going on adventures, so I go for several walks a day. I love to walk all around my neighborhood and I don't mind all the hills. I can even walk the entire way all by myself. I love to color, play with play-doh, and draw with chalk outside. I have a small jungle gym with a slide outside and I like to climb on it. I love playing kick ball with daddy. He's trying to teach me soccer, but I enjoy pitching more than kicking. Two of my favorite toys are my bucket of beans and my bucket of rice. Yes, you read that correctly, rice and beans. Mommy doesn't want me to mess of her house with sand, so she made me a "sandbox" with rice. It is a huge plastic bin filled with rice and I play in it all the time. I have my beach toys in there and I fill up my bucket and build castles. I have a smaller bin filled with beans and mommy hides little farm animals in there beans so I can find them. She then tells me the sound they make. She wants me to imitate her, but I'd rather just play. I play with my cars a lot too. I pull them back and then let them go to see how fast and how far they will go. I do this over and over again. I also love to push my "Lightening McQueen" car all around the house - this is when I'm not riding on it myself. When I watch tv, I love Barney, Elmo, and music videos. Some of my favorite artists are Black Eyed Peas, Darius Rucker, and Lenny Kravitz. As you can see, I keep myself very busy all day long with many different adventures. Oh it is great being a kid!