Monday, March 3, 2014
A Rough Start to a New Year
Happy New Year. We have had a rough start to 2014 because our family was sick for the first 8 weeks of it. We have had a bad flu season and although we all got our flu shots last fall, my brother and I got one virus after another. Mommy and Daddy took good care of us and even they got sick. It was inevitable since they had to play doctor to us. After 21 days on a strong antibiotic, I finally kicked it and now I just mild, residual symptoms. My doctor thinks I may have allergies, so I need to get tested for allergies soon. Even though we've been sick, I've been playing with my brother and enjoying our winter. We've had some warm weather which allows us to go outside to play and get fresh air. We've had some colder wet weather which brings us much needed moisture and water. I'm ready for spring to be here so I can be healthy once and for all.