I have 2 big obsessions - trash trucks and vacuums. My obsession with trash trucks has been around for over a year now. It started with my love for the environment and picking up trashing that I'd see lying around. I love watching the trash man come by and pick up our 3 bins each week. I wait for him and wave to him as he passes by. Then I'd point out all the trash trucks I'd see on the road. My daddy noticed my obsession so he looked for trash trucks on youtube.com and everyday I watch the trucks on tv. For Christmas, Grandma Katy and Grandpa Al about me a trash truck. I love it and play with it daily. Mommy made me a bunch of trash that I can put into my truck. Grandpa John bought me the trash truck from Toy Story 3 which I am so glad I could add to my collection. My love for trash trucks branched out to dump trucks, backhoes, tractors, etc. I'm in heaven since I have various trucks and tractors.
My obsession for vacuums is fairly new and it started because I like to clean in general. I recently learned how to operate our real vacuum, but Mommy doesn't like me to play with it, so she and Daddy bought me my own real vacuum, that is just my size. I love it so much and I vacuum the house, every day, all day.
Check out these pictures of my great obsessions. Hmmm...I wonder what I'll be when I grow up?