Monday, December 26, 2011
Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas! I had a wonderful Christmas. We spent Christmas Eve with Mommy's family. First we went to Grandma Lu's and had lunch, watched the Charger game, and opened presents. Later we went to Mom & Pop's and had dinner and I got to run around and play with all my cousins. I had so much fun. On Christmas Day, I opened a few presents at home and played with my toys while Daddy and Mommy got ready for the day. We then went to celebrate with Daddy's family at Grandma & Grandpa's house. We ate all day long - breakfast, lunch, and dinner and opened a ton of presents. I played with my new favorite toy - my trash truck. I also played with my cousins. It was a great day! For Christmas I got vans shoes, clothes, a trash truck, a sit and spin, pajamas, a boat to play in the bath tub, a plate, cup, fork and spoon set,a tractor that I could sit on and dig, 2 trains, a tee ball set, and a toy chest to hold it all in. I sure am a spoiled (loved) little boy.

Friday, December 23, 2011
Christmas Spirit
This year I'm really enjoying the holiday season. We decorated our house and set up our christmas tree on Thanksgiving night. It was so fun to put all the ornaments on the tree. Mommy let me pick any ornament I wanted to put on the tree. Daddy put up our lights on the outside of our house that same morning. Our lights are all blue, which is my favorite color. He even put up lights in my bedroom window, so I get to see the lights from my room. They are also a bright blue. We've visited all the neighborhoods around our city to look at all the light displays. There is one street in particular right near our house that is beautiful. We walked that street and got to see all the decorations close up. Two nights ago, we went to Brea to look at an entire community that had lights. It was amazing. I hope we go back every year. Tomorrow is Christmas Eve and I can't wait to see my family and open presents. Merry Christmas Everyone!!!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Using my imagination
I'm fascinated with garbage trucks. When I was 1, I loved picking up trash and throwing it away. People would tell mommy I was going to be a trash man when I grew up. Don't they know that I'm just an enviormentalist. I still throw things away, but now I like waiting for the trash man every Wednesday and watching him load our cans into his truck. Daddy found some youtube video on various trash trucks and how they operate. It is so interesting to see all the different techniques. I've learned them all so well that I pretend my hand is the arm of the trash truck and I lift my blocks into my pretend truck and dump the trash. I can spend hours using my imagination to pretend that I'm a trash truck. I use my imagination to play so many things now. I also love playing with by backhoe, street sweeper, fire engine, ambulance, and pickup truck. Mommy bought me a mini trash trucker, but I want a bigger one that actually operates. I hope Santa brings me a Tonka trash truck...we'll have to wait and see.
Monday, December 12, 2011
1, 2, 3....
I can count and I know my colors. I can count to 10 all by myself. I surprised Mommy and Daddy one day when I lined up all my cars and started counting them 1 through 10. I know my colors in English and Spanish, but I can only say them in English. My favorite colors are blue and purple. Now that I know my colors, mommy always asks me "What color is the truck", "What color is the Christmas light", "What color is ..." Oh boy, she asks so many questions now.
Thursday, December 1, 2011
My 2 year Photo Shoot
Mommy, Daddy, and I took photos at the beach recently. Mommy wants to capture every moment of my cute little life, so here is just another snap shot in time. Enjoy our photos...
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