One more month and it will be my birthday. I'm so excited to be 1 year old, but Mommy is so sad. She says that I am growing too quickly and time is speeding by. So much has happened this month and I've added a few things to my list of 'firsts'. The most exciting thing is that I can walk. I'm not an expert yet and it is sometimes easier to crawl, but I can do it. I also got sick for the first time ever. I had a high fever, a sore throat, and a runny nose. It was not fun...for anyone. However, I survived and got better after 2 weeks. Mommy, Daddy, and Yolanda took good care of me.
I am so active now; I love playing with my toys, I like getting pushed on my car, and I love to play peek-a-boo. However my favorite thing to do right now is walk around my house and my backyard. I'm trying many new foods that Mommy makes me. Oh boy, this month was so exciting that I'm looking forward to next month.