So, I was a little late, but I like to think I was worth the wait. I know I drove Mommy and Daddy crazy because I was taking so long. Mommy's body was too small for me to come out the traditional way, so she had to have a c-section. It was scheduled for the morning of 11/16. Although Mommy was very scared, she put on a brave face. The surgery was quick and 'thankfully' without complications, but the recovery was a little tough on Mommy. We had to stay in the hospital from Monday until Friday, so we were all glad to go home and sleep in our own beds. Mommy was a little sad to leave the hospital because she loved all the help and advice she received from the nurses. I love my new home and my new room. Mommy and Daddy put a lot of love into preparing for my arrival and I definately know that I am loved. I'm excited to finally be out of mommy's belly. Here I come world...I'm ready for all the adventures.
Mommy and Daddy plan on keeping this blog updated at least once per month. They'll post photos too, so please check back often.
Palmer's Professional Photos taken at Mission Hospital
My first week while we stayed at Mission Hospital