I am now in school...well, at least for a little while. Mommy and I have been taking a few classes through Saddleback School District. I really like school! We go for an hour every Tuesday and Thursday. On Tuesday we take the 'Jumpin Jack's and Jill's' class and on Thursday we take the 'Tunes and Tales' class. Both involved music, story time, and lots and lots of fun!!! I love playing with all the ninos. I am not quite ready to go to school full time all by myself, but I am enjoying my school now with Mommy.
Today, Grandma, Joce, Mommy, and I went to see Lake Shrine. It was a nice cool day and we enjoyed the beautiful scenery. I love my adventures with Mommy. I wonder where we'll go next.
I enjoyed 4th of July today. I actually stayed up this year and watched all the fireworks and got to light some of my own. I had just a great day playing with my cousins as well. I wish it was 4th of July every day.
Birth - 11/16/09 - 8lbs, 18.5" 2 Wks - 12/2/09 - 8.5lbs, 21.5" 1 Mos - 12/18/09 - 10lbs, 4 oz, 22" 2 Mos - 1/11/10 - 12lbs, 7 oz, 23" 3 Mos - 2/16/10 - 16lbs, 24" 4 Mos - 3/16/10 - 16lbs, 14oz, 26" 5 Mos - 4/16/10 - 19lbs, 26" 6 Mos - 5/16/10 - 19lbs, 9oz, 27.5" 7 Mos - 6/16/10 - 20lbs, 27.5" 8 Mos - 7/19/10 - 2olbs, 28" 9 Mos - 8/17/10 - 20lbs, 15oz, 28" 10 Mos - 9/18/10 - 22lbs, 28" 11 Mos - 10/16/10 - 23lbs, 28.5" 12 Mos - 11/16/10 - 24lbs, 29" 15 Mos - 2/16/10 - 25lbs, 30.5" 18 Mos - 5/25/11 - 25lbs, 32.75" 2 Yrs - 11/16/11 - 25lbs, 33.80"
3 Yrs - 11/16/12 - 36.6lbs, 37.75"
4 Years - 11/16/13 - 40.6lbs, 40.5"
5 Years - 11/16/14 - 50.3lbs, 44.1"
6 Years - 11/16/15 - 58lbs, 13 oz, 47.5"
7 Years - 11/16/16 - 63lbs, 12.8 oz, 49.3"
8 Years - 11/16/17 - 65lbs, 51.5"
9 Years - 11/16/18 - 81lbs, 53.5"
There's a first time for everything
1st sponge bath - 11/25/09 1st water bath - 12/05/09 1st doctors visit - 12/02/09 1st smile - 12/22/09 1st visit to a restaurant - 12/22/09 1st laugh - 2/11/10 1st visit to the beach - 2/14/10 1st time sitting without support - 4/12/10 1st visit to Disneyland - 4/14/10 1st swim - 5/3/10 1st meal - rice cereal - 5/4/10 1st tooth - 5/11/10 1st time rolling over - 6/2/10 1st time sleeping in my own room - 6/4/10 1st time waving goodbye - 6/15/10 1st word "Dada" - 6/17/10 1st vacation - Palm Desert - 6/25/10 1st time crawling - 7/23/10 1st time walking - 10/8/10 1st haircut - 5/5/11 1st airplane ride - 5/17/11 1st time sleeping in big boy bed - 7/13/2011 1st time swimming alone - 7/5/2014 1st time riding a big boy bike - 7/19/2014 1st time camping - 08/08 to 08/10/2014
1st lost tooth - 12/20/2015
1st field trip "Tanaka Farms" - 3/25/2016
About Mommy & Daddy
Mommy and Daddy met on Nov 22, 2002. Mommy had just moved back to Southern California from San Francisco and was working in Irvine. Daddy was living and working in Newport Beach. Mommy had invited one her my co-workers, who happened to be Daddy's roommate, to join up with her and her friends in Las Vegas. Daddy accompanied his roommate to Vegas and it was an instant connection after they met. They were inseparable. After a year and half courtship, they got engaged. They were married on Sept 24, 2005. They were enjoying blissful married life filled with travel. After almost 4 years of marriage, they decided it was time to start a family. This is where I come into the picture. I am due on Nov 11, 2009. Mommy and Daddy have no idea what there in for...